Darke County
Bowling Day with Friends:
When: Saturday, March 12th
Where: Treaty Lanes, Greenville
Time: 1:00-3:00pm
* This is a FREE bowling day for all athletes. We have invited our friends from Preble County to come bowl with us. Everyone will bowl two games and we will have door prizes. Come join the fun!
Recreational Bowling:
When: Mondays – 3/7, 3/14, 3/21, 3/28, 4/4
Where: Treaty Lanes, Greenville
Time: Two sessions divided by age
4:00-5:30pm * Athletes aged 22 and older
5:30-7:00pm * Athletes at least 8 years old by June 1, 2016
* This is FREE recreational bowling for all athletes. No need to commit to every week. Come when you can. This is just for fun.
If you have questions, call 548-4915 and leave a voicemail or email darkecountyspecialolympics@yahoo.com
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