Employment Matters: Kyle’s Story


When Kyle Eichelberger graduated high school in 2013 he was open to a variety of jobs, but one goal was clear; he wanted to work full time. Today Kyle is working one full time job and another part time job and excelling at both of them. Kyle’s journey to reaching his goal of full time employment began in high school through the Bridges to Transition program. The goal of Bridges is to expand career exploration and employment options for transitional youth (ages 14-24) with developmental disabilities. Following his sophomore and junior years, Kyle participated in the Summer Youth Career Exploration and Work Training program provided by the Darke County Board of Developmental Disabilities. During the summer youth programs, he toured local businesses, learned about local jobs, learned job skills, how to apply for jobs and worked at local employers to test his skills.

During his senior year, Kyle began one-on-one classes to learn to create a resume, gain interviewing skills, and practice time management skills. Kyle also enrolled in the Hospitality & Facility Care Career Tech Program at Greenville High School to gain work experience during his junior and senior years. After graduation Kyle began his job search with the understanding that he might need to start with a part time position to reach his goal of full time employment. When he heard about the open interviews for the new Little Caesar’s in Greenville, he braved the long lines and was hired for a part time position in December of 2013. Although Kyle likes his job at Little Caesar’s he still had the goal of full time employment.

In the fall of 2014, the Community First Department notified Kyle of open interviews with new Greenville employer Rural King. In January 2015, Kyle was hired as a part time loader where he was required to set up and stock the store. This opportunity allowed Kyle to show his skills and dedication and in a few short months he was offered a full time position. When asked what led to his full time job Kris Hurd, HR Manager, shared that “Kyle was always on time, reliable, agreeable and eager to please.” Assistant Manager Hailey Brewer went on to say “I think I speak for all the management team here when I say we all love Kyle. He is such a diverse worker and will do anything we ask of him. He is always positive, always polite with customers, and always has a smile on his face. Many managers have said that we would like to clone Kyle.” When asked what advice she would give to other employers who might be considering hiring someone with a disability, Hailey said, “disability or not, each person is different; it’s finding the right job for the right person.”

When asked what advice Kyle would give to someone with a disability who wants to work, Kyle answered, “If you have a disability it doesn’t mean you can’t have a job. Put your mind to it, work hard, be patient. Everything is possible.” When asked what he likes best about his jobs he stated, “I like helping customers and I like working, I like every bit of my job. Rural King is a good place to work. I like my job at Little Caesar’s too . . . I’m just happier when I am working.” Anyone interested in learning more about partnering with the Darke County Board of DD for employment opportunities and/or Bridges to Transition can contact Rodney Willis, Community First Director at 937-548-9057 or rodneyw@darkedd.org.

Pictured: Kyle Eichelberger, and Rural King Assistant Manager, Rodney Sneed.

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